
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Last night I dreamt I was at a funeral

I was at a funeral but there wasn't enough room for all the coffins in the church so they were lined up in the park. And there was a man in the church who tried to play a song on his guitar and sing, but he couldn't because he was too upset.

(I also had this dream on 26th Dec)

Last night I dreamt I was on a bus trip

I was on a bus trip with a load of teenagers from a young offenders institute & I had to pretend to be one of them

Friday, 7 December 2012

Last night I dreamt I had a baby

Last night I dreamt I had a baby.
I didn't know I was pregnant, didn't seem to put on weight, didn't change my eating or drinking habits BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW and it just fell out one day.

It was a baby girl and Mr Lisa breast-fed it.