
Thursday, 27 February 2014

Making my dream come true (Peach Melbas)

On Tuesday night I dreamt about making peach melbas, and so today I decided to make that dream come true.  I don't have a recipe, I just guessed, basically it's peach slices on a pastry case covered in whipped cream covered in icing.

My ingredients:

  • M&S sweet pastry/tart cases
  • double cream
  • fondant icing sugar
  • peach slices
  • peach food colouring (I used yellow and orange)


  1. Whip the cream with a bit of icing sugar so it was really stiff
  2. Sieve the icing sugar added water (a little at a time) and coloured with food colouring and then you're ready to construct it all.
  3. Lay 3 or 4 peach slices in the pastry case
  4. Pipe cream over the peaches into a dome shape.
  5. Spoon over the fondant icing sugar, so it drizzles down.
  6. Stand back and admire
  7. Eat.
The first two were pretty ugly (fugly).
1st attempt at a homemade peach melba

I ate one of them, to make sure they tasted alright, which they did.

Then I made some changes and made one last one: I made the fondant icing really really thick, I made sure the whipped cream wasn't too stiff, I didn't pipe the cream on I used a spoon instead & smoothed with a palette knife and as before I drizzled the icing on, turning the tart case as the icing covered the cream.
My beautiful (homemade) peach melba

And the last one was perfect!

Unlike the dream I had enough ingredients for me & Mr Lisa - so that was nice :)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Last night I dreamt about peach melbas

Last night I dreamt about making peach melbas, but ran out of stuff & couldn't make one for me or Mr Lisa. And then I woke up with Shania Twain "That don't impress me much" in my head