This is my new facebook cover picture, as of 18th May 2014. I've had a woodland full of bluebells for ages now and I think it's time to update it, and also make a subtle announcement at the same time that I'm pregnant (again), do you think this is subtle enough?
I've been reluctant to talk about it on social media as I wanted to get passed the date where we lost Ellie (she died at 19wks, I didn't know until a routine 25wk appointment), so 19wks was The date I wanted to get passed. Now at 20 weeks I feel comfortable about talking about it on social media.
So yes, I'm 20weeks pregnant and we're having a BOY and we're both really pleased and are looking forward to welcoming him on/around 4th October (my mum is especially pleased as this will be her 2nd grandson, the other one is 18 next week and she has 4 granddaughters (including Ellie).
I'm feeling fit and well and he's growing well too, I've been having extra scans/check-ups this time (some for medical reasons and others at my request (for my peace of mind)), the hospital have been really supportive, whilst I've cried at every appointment - with worry, then relief as I've seen the little heartbeat on the scan images.
We found out he was a boy on Friday and so I went out and bought him a green dinosaur (which Mr Lisa has taken a shine to) and a babygrow in neutral colours.
I should have known really, my sister named last years bump as Vinny (until we found out it was a she and that had to change to Vienetta) and this year my sister has called it Dotty, so she'll have to come up with something else.
Sickness lasted for about 8 weeks (less than last time) and I craved (& drank gallons of) banana flavoured milk for the first part of the pregnancy.
At the scan he was looking comfy in there, moving around, holding his feet (the little show off) and almost smiling. I'm feeling stronger movements every day and kind of know when he's awake/asleep.
He has a habit of sitting on my bladder, usually as I begin my spin class, which I've been doing since October last year and have carried on doing it once a week. I'm really enjoying it, but am noticing that the bump will eventually slow me/stop me from going, which will be a shame. I'm reviewing things week by week. I've been continuing to work at my allotment, planting, weeding, digging and my body tells me when to slow down/have a rest.
I've made a paper bird for every week we've reached and have written little messages in ones where I've had a scan etc. I plan to make a mobile out of them, I've seen pictures online and things in pinterest
A bird for every week of pregnancy |
I'm still sticking to the rules I set last time that I won't change my profile pic to one of the kid and I won't dress him up in clothes that makes him look like an animal, when he's old enough and decides he wants to - that's fine.
I won't dress my kid like this, unless he asks me to |
Keep your fingers (& toes) crossed for us that we get to meet our little boy, safe and alive and healthy and well in October. I'm positive this one's going to hang in there for us :-)